Animal farms

 We love going on family trips to animal farms and zoos. It's so nice to watch kids get up and close with furry creatures, and being only a 3.5 hour train ride away from Melbourne, as well as having a couple of places about an hour or so away from home, we've managed to visit a fair few on our travels.

One place we've visited quite frequently is the Red Stag, Deer & Emu farm in Eurobin. We've taken Hunter at various ages, and we've also been here pre-motherhood with friends, and when my Gran & Grandad came over from Scotland for a visit, we took them here too. People of all ages can find enjoyment there, and the food in their restaurant is pretty great too.

Make sure you click the link above to read more about this gorgeous farm, and keep scrolling to read the write ups on the other places we've visited too!

Mansfield Zoo

Edendale Community Farm

 Collingwood Children's Farm

Melbourne Zoo

