The Sound of Drawing exhibition at Hyphen Gallery Wodonga - Life with the Lamsays

 After finishing up our selection of library books, we headed to Hyphen to swap them for some more for our 1000 Books Before School reading challenge. Hunter loves the interactive floor, and today they had a race car game and he thought it was brilliant! He was so impressed by it, that Mummy chose all of the books today. 

And, as always, we headed upstairs in the lift to check out the gallery’s new art exhibit. This time it was the Sound of Drawing by Polyglot Theatre. It’s a workshop that encourages people of all ages to make their mark on the masterpiece. You put on a pair of headphones, and you can hear the sound of people drawing whilst you draw too! Read more about it HERE.

Despite being young, Hunter still manages to find so much enjoyment out of the exhibits that Hyphen have on display! He’s always asking to go upstairs and have a look what’s there. We’ll definitely have to do this one again before it goes.

Until next time! 
