East Wagga McDonald’s PlayPlace - Life with the Lamsays

I wanted to write a post about another fantastic PlayPlace we went to on our way back home from Wagga. This McDonald’s had an indoor playground, and an outdoor one. Hunter didn’t want to leave, despite it being so hot.

He hid in the slide when it was time to go, he was having the best time! The rocket themed outdoor playground was awesome, Mummy came in as well and watched him play in the “control centre” part. 

The indoor one was great too, as there were seats for people to eat at and you could watch the kids play. At our local McDonald’s, as fantastic as the play area is, there’s glass that separates the eating area and the play area, and it’s harder to watch your kids. But this one was great. There was a car feature that Hunter had fun climbing in, and a train at the bottom. There were a couple of other kids playing there too, which always makes it more fun for the little ones, and more relaxing for the adults.

There’s a couple of other McDonald’s in Wagga Wagga NSW, so I think next time we take a drive there, we’ll try out another one to see what their play areas are like.

Let us know in the comments which McDonald’s PlayPlaces you’ve tried - we’d love to review more!

 Until next time!
