Beechworth Berry Farm - Life with the Lamsays

We got up early on New Year’s Day and headed out to Beechworth to pick some berries! We picked strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries this time, and Hunter loved it as usual. 

With how expensive berries are at the supermarket these days, it works out pretty cheap to get them locally from the farms instead, and there’s the added element of fun as you pick them yourselves. Fun fact: My late Grandad in Scotland used to pick berries each year in the school holidays and got paid for it. Thanks for that info Granny!

Also, once we were done, we got a fresh ice cream each: Mumma and Hunter got strawberry, and Mummy got raspberry. They offer wooden sticks with them, but this time we’d packed our own spoons. We loved going to Lake Sambell last time to enjoy our ice cream and some of our pickings, but we just couldn’t wait this time. We ate them as soon as we hopped back in the car.

We still headed out to the lake afterwards though for a bit of a dip and a play in the park. It was the best way to spend the first day of the year!

 Until next time! 
