Kosovar Park Playground, Bandiana VIC - Life with the Lamsays

This post is another playground review, so if you have a younger kiddo who loves going to the park, you’re going to love this one! 

This is one that we checked out with our besties back in September. Kosovar Park Playground out in Bandiana - a colourful, recently upgraded park that’s perfect for the younger kids. 

We didn’t need to give the kids any assistance, they were more than happy working it out on their own! As well as the main piece of equipment, there’s also a couple of swings beside each other, and a rope swing. If you live in this area, it would be great for your little ones, and if you’re not in Bandiana, it’s worth a little drive out that way to check out.

I like to mix it up with playgrounds for the younger ones, as well as ones for older kids, so there’s something for everyone!

We definitely need to visit this one again, so we might see you out there!

 Until next time!
