SEAL Swim School, Wodonga - Life with the Lamsays

We’ve almost finished our first term of swimming lessons at SEAL Swim School in Wodonga. I’d taken Hunter a fair bit myself at the leisure centre prior to enrolling him, and as a former swim teacher (10 years ago), I thought I’d be fine to teach him myself. However, I didn’t take into consideration that I hadn’t done it in a long time, and I’d never taught kids as young as him from scratch before. So when it popped up on Mumma’s Facebook newsfeed that they were taking on new students, we thought we’d better get him in to start.

We’ve been pretty consistent with attending the lessons, and if you miss one, you can book in to do a make-up class which is so good! We've done this twice due to illness and being away, and he’s just done two lessons in a row each time, so an hour lesson instead of half an hour essentially. He loves his teachers, and it’s been great to get involved rather than sitting at the side watching. 

However, now he’s becoming more confident swimming in the water, we’re going to try the rest of the term with him in a preschool class, and me sitting from the sidelines. With Summer fast approaching, I’m sure he’ll be wanting to spend lots of time in the water, so at least this year, he can actually swim rather than wanting to cling to us.

With Hunter attending both day care and kindergarten next year, it’ll be hard to find time to squeeze in a class during the week. We’ll definitely take him at the weekends, and once the weather cools down again, he should be settled in his new routine. Maybe we can find a spot for him again in the future? But if you’re looking for somewhere to enrol your child for swimming lessons, I’d definitely recommend checking out SEAL and see what you think. All the parents/guardians have been really friendly too, and the kids also get little certificates for good listening etc. It has a real community feel to it, and we’ve felt really welcomed right from the start.

Until next time! 
