Bounce INC, Wodonga - Life with the Lamsays

Today’s adventure was a trip to Bounce in Wodonga. We booked in a 2 hour play date session online which was only $11, and then grabbed him a pair of socks for $3.50. 

Hunter had so much fun in the ball pit and the indoor playground, he went crazy on the trampolines and dodgeball area, he had a go at slam dunk, dived into the big bag, and got harnessed in to do some of the high ropes courses.

A two hour session was more than enough, he was already exhausted after an hour, but with regular breaks to fuel up on apple juice and Twisties, he kept running off to play some more.

We got there at 9.30am when they opened, so it was nice and quiet to begin with, but by the time we left at 11.30am, it was crazy! Kids everywhere, even a few older kids and adults were racing around. The staff were really helpful too, especially with the high ropes and getting harnesses on etc.

It was definitely a good time slot because he’s now snuggled into me having a well earned snooze. We’ll definitely have to book another play date session in soon!

Until next time! 
