The police car playground - Martin Park in Wodonga

A playground we’ve visited, but I haven’t written about specifically yet, is Martin Park in Wodonga.

It doesn’t have a lot of equipment, but it’s great for little ones who are happy with a swing set, a slide, a rocker, and the police car equipment. The little spinning cups are great fun, but even Hunter, who absolutely loves roundabouts, gets very dizzy very easily on these!

It’s not too far to walk to for us, especially when we use the pathways, so we could definitely visit this playground more often. It’s also not far away from the barber, so we headed there after our play. If you’re looking for a great barber for your little ones, look no further than Tash at That Barber in Wodonga - read more about her here!

If you’re looking for a playground that your little ones can enjoy, or your kids who aren’t into the big fancy parks, and just enjoy the more straightforward, traditional equipment, make sure you check out Martin Park.

 Until next time!
