Switching from working mum to SAHM life in a two-mum family

So up until very recently, Chelle has been the stay at home mum, as she was off on Workcover with an injury since Hunter was born. I have been the one going to work doing either full time or part time hours, depending on how many staff we’ve had at the time. I went back to work when Hunter was 6 months old, and I then had a further 6 months off over a year ago - so I’ve definitely had a lot more time off than other parents.

When Hunter was sick in the past, I was fortunate that I didn’t have to take days off work unless Chelle was sick too. But now that she’s back into full-time work, and being at a new company as well, if Hunter is sick, even though I only work 2 days now, I’m the one home with little man. We’re also lucky that we live with Nanny, and now that she’s not working, she’s able to help out too if she can. And if she can’t, Chelle’s sister, my sister-in-law, works from home and never hesitates to come to the rescue if we need her to!

I work as a dental assistant, and have done for the last 9 years almost. We’ve recently had new owners, so it’s learning curve for all the new staff. Prior to Chelle’s injury, she was working in sales over in Albury. However, almost two months ago, she was cleared to go back to full-time work, and is now loving her new job over on the Victorian side of the border. Fun fact: her dad was the branch manager there when it first opened.

I’ve just cut down from 3 days to 2, and am loving being at home more with little man. We’ve been swimming, taken trips to the library, and gone to different playgroups throughout the week. The last few days have been cold, so we’ve stayed inside. But it’s been nice to go at a slower pace and enjoy some time together indoors instead of walking here, there and everywhere.

Chelle has also started getting up early and going to the gym before work too, so she’s keeping herself really busy! Nanny has retired after doing 19 years in childcare at the same centre, and Hunter is no longer at the daycare - he’s just doing a few different playgroups instead now. It’s definitely been an adjustment for everyone, but we’re all doing well - just needing a bit more space I think.

Whether you’re a working mum, a stay at home mum, or a mum who does a bit of both like me, it’s a tough gig, but it’s also the best job in the world! They tell you that it takes a village, and we’re so grateful we have lots of helping hands nearby. We definitely don’t have it all together, but together, we have it all.

Until next time!
