Who are Those Two Mums?


Those Two Mums have a podcast now!

Who are Those Two Mums? Rochelle and Maddy are an engaged Aussie couple, they're new parents, and they're navigating their new life as a family of three. They have almost 10,000 Instagram followers, but they also have a podcast now too! I'm not usually one to sit and listen to podcasts often, but I am loving this one so much. I've been following them on Instagram since their little girl was born, and if you're not following them over there yet, definitely check them out here
Their fourth episode was just released yesterday, and I'm actually listening to it as I'm typing up this post. I usually catch up and listen to it before I start work, and it's so nice to hear some real talk from another two mum family just like us. It's like you're there too, just listening to them have a chat, but they're also starting conversations about topics a lot of other people aren't talking about.
The first episode is all about Maddy's birth story and how that played out, and the second one is titled "What are relationships really like after having a baby?" I love how real and raw they are, whilst also keeping it fun.
Chelle and I have been on this motherhood roller-coaster for the past two and a half years, and we're still learning, both relationship wise and parenting wise. We had our first date night since Hunter was born the other week. I know other parents do it a lot sooner, and some do it later on. But it was so nice to relax for a few hours, have a drink, and know that Nanny was doing the night time routine.

It’s nice to hear that you’re not alone in your successes and disasters, both big and small (if you know you know, and if you don’t, get listening to the poddy now)!

If you're a mum who thinks you've got it all together, but you know you really don't, or you’re a mum who’s a hot mess and just keeping it real, definitely check out Rochelle and Maddy's podcast and have a listen here! I’m sure even if you’re not a two mum family, you’ll still enjoy it just as much as me!


Until next time!
