Playgrounds that you should visit in Wodonga

I'm back again with more playground recommendations. These ones are all in Wodonga, so they're relatively close to home for us. If you’re enjoying these types of posts, leave a comment and I’ll be happy to do more when we visit a few new playgrounds in the future!

Tooleys Park Playground, Magnolia Crescent
This cute cafe themed playground has two slides, a swing which Hunter loved, a basketball court, a sea-saw, and a few other bits of play equipment. Hunter managed to do a lot of it by himself, so that’s always good, so you can sit and relax whilst your kids play. It’s not too far from our house either, so I definitely think we’ll come back for another play soon!

McLean Park, Ruthven Circuit

This playground doesn’t have a lot of equipment, but it’s spread far apart, meaning there’s so much room to run around. It has a double flying fox, a basketball court, a spiderweb, some swings & a see saw.

Little man had so much fun and burnt off lots of energy. If your child likes lots of things to play on, this park probably isn’t for you, but for getting your kids to run off some steam before their nap, this place is the perfect spot!

Max Gray Park, Brockley Street

This playground is almost a stones throw away from our house, and yet we hadn’t explored this one yet. We always drive past and I’d tell myself we’d take Hunter there one day, and just hadn’t gotten around to it until now. It has an awesome “twirly whirly” slide, what looks like monkey bars, but Hunter used them to crawl through to the other side, and a cool grid ladder type concept. Even though it’d been raining when we went, he had an absolute ball! 

Until next time! 

